About Water Dancer Designs

Having had a successful Web Design and SEO business for many years, it was time to retire from that work and start spending as much time in the outdoors and doing more advocate work in keeping America’s wild horses free. (Please visit The Horse Network website to learn more about the future of America’s wild horses and steps you can do to protect them.)

For years I photographed wild horses and professional women surfers to post to my other two websites: Surfergirls.com | WaterDancerPhotos.com.

Photos of Wild Horses and Surfer Girl

During my excursion in locating the wild horses of Nevada, I began to include rockhounding on these adventures. Owning a 4 wheel drive jeep and having a young Labrador by my side, my life went from sitting at a computer to exploring the outdoors.

Once I first began to accumulate buckets and buckets of rocks, I knew I had to do something with them. So I joined the San Diego Lapidary Club to learn how to cut and polish stones. It amazed me how much fun it was in taking a rock, seeing something special in the rock, cutting it into a workable stone, and then polishing it into piece of art. Once the stone was finished, I was taught the art of silver jewelry design.

To continue down this trajectory, I figured I had to narrow down my rockhounding pursuits to only turquoise. I have always loved and worn turquoise and I was amazed to discover the history of this blue stone and its mineral properties. During this process, I was shocked to learn about the bleak future of American turquoise with the mines drying up and being taken over by copper exploration companies. What will happen when there is no more American turquoise? This motivated me to capture as much turquoise as possible before there is nothing left for others to enjoy.

Some of the turquoise I have collected makes for really nice pieces of jewelry. While other non-jewelry stones are used as accents to wooden boxes that showcase photos of Nevada’s wild horses.

I hope you enjoy browsing the Water Dancer Design collection of turquoise jewelry and art. Be sure to check back often as I will be adding more and more new pieces and I might have some new stories to share.


Kathy and Loki
Kathy & Loki